Partners PDF Print E-mail

BEWL has a source of key partners who work hand in hand with us, to mention a few:


www.safholland.de One of the most modern trailer axles and suspensions systems that are built for Africa.

SAF-HOLLAND suspension systems have leading-edge technology that greatly enhances product value and service life to the end-user.

SAF-HOLLAND air suspension systems are perfect suspension systems with trend-setting technology, exemplary product properties and superior performance features.

SAF-HOLLAND mechanical suspension systems are designed specifically for solving individual transportation tasks under at times most difficult operating conditions

SAF-HOLLAND has been making drum-braked axles for semi-trailers and trailers for decades: Sophisticated in design and easy to maintain, they have proved their worth worldwide by the hundreds of thousands.


www.wabco-auto.com is a leading supplier of safety and control systems for commercial vehicle braking for over 140 years and is a supplier to the world’s leading commercial truck, trailer and bus manufacturers.


www.jostinternational.com is a leading global supplier of turntables, landing gear, king pins and twist locks among other trailer accessories.


www.hyva.com is also a leading global manufacturer of cylinders for our trailers and truck body tipping applications.